How do I know if an article is peer-reviewed?


Peer-review means that an article is  written by an expert and is then reviewed by experts prior to publication.  These articles are also known as scholarly articles.  The overwhelming majority of the journals found in our VCCS library catalog's journal locator are refereed journals that contain only peer-reviewed articles.  Most of the articles in individual databases are identified as peer-reviewed. 

Scholarly Journals may be found in the Journal A-Z search function located at the top of the Primo library catalog search screen.

In our library catalog, searches may be filtered to return only peer-reviewed results.  The filter may be found in the "Availability" category of the catalog search screen:


Individual articles in the catalog may also be identified by the purple “peer-reviewed” phrase that is displayed beneath  those entries in the catalog:



Further information on peer-review and its importance in the research process may be found on our Library Orientation page.  

  • Last Updated Mar 22, 2021
  • Views 44
  • Answered By Marcia Seaton-Martin

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