How can I access the databases off-campus?


Students, faculty, and staff can access our databases from off-campus.  If you are a member of the community, and you would like to use our databases, you can visit the library in person and access them using our wifi or the computers in the library.

Visit our library's homepage, and search any of the search boxes on that page.  You can also find a list of the most useful databases and access our databases that way.  Click any of the links, and you will be prompted to login with your MyPVCC username and password.  It's the same username and password that you use to access Canvas, SIS, and your student email.  

If you have trouble accessing our databases off-campus, here's what we suggest to troubleshoot:

  1. If you are at work, please try from home.  Our databases use a proxy server to provide off-campus access, and many places of business block this kind of connection.
  2. If you are at home, please try from your phone using your wifi.  If it works, then the problem is with your computer.  If it still doesn't work, turn off the wifi and try using your phone's data plan.  If it works, then the problem is with your home wifi blocking the connection.  
  3. If you've tried all of the above and still no luck, please make sure you're typing in the right password.  Try resetting your password in MyPVCC if there is a possibility you're not remembering it correctly.
  4. If you're still having trouble, please email us at  It's possible something is wrong with your account.  Note: You must be registered as a PVCC student to access some of our databases.  If you are only taking online classes this semester through NOVA, you won't be able to access some of our databases.
  • Last Updated Apr 23, 2020
  • Views 224
  • Answered By Crystal Newell

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