Does the library have study rooms?

There are 2 study rooms at each campus. The rooms can be reserved by students or faculty for up to 2 hours at a time.


Both Glenns and Warsaw campuses have 3 study rooms (details below). The rooms can be reserved by students or faculty for up to 2 hours at a time, with the potential for 1 renewal per day (up to 4 total hours per day).

Types of rooms: Each campus has a Group Meeting Room and a Mediascape Room within the library, and a Large Group Study Room outside the library.

  • The Group Meeting Room includes a chair-height table, chairs, and whiteboard (whiteboard markers & erasers are available at the circulation desk in the library). Max occupancy: 6.
  • The Mediascape Room includes a bar-height table, barstools, and cables so you can connect your laptop to share your screen. There is also a whiteboard (whiteboard markers & erasers at the circulation desk in the library). Max occupancy: 6.
  • The Large Group Study Room includes chair-height tables, chairs, and whiteboards (whiteboard markers & erasers are available at the circulation desk in the library). Max occupancy: 10.

Reservations: Students and faculty may reserve rooms up to 2 hours at a time, for up to 6 people. Rooms may be renewed at the time of use, IF the room is available. Rooms may be reserved up to 4 weeks in advance. Please phone the library and specify which campus and which type of room.

Cancellations: If you need to cancel your reservation, please notify the library as soon as possible, so others may use the room.

No Show: Each room is given a 10 minute grace period. If you are running late, please notify the library as soon as possible. After 10 minutes, if you haven't arrived or contacted the library, we will make the room available to other users. After 2 no-shows, you will not be able to reserve a room in advance for the remainder of the semester.

To reserve a room, to cancel an existing reservation, or to notify the library that you are running late, please phone:

  • Last Updated Jan 22, 2024
  • Views 196
  • Answered By Elizabeth Hadley

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