Supplemental Policy FAQ for Southwest Virginia Community College


Southwest Virginia Community College (VCCS)


Library Home Page URL:

Parent Institution:
Southwest Virginia Community College:

Catalog URL:

Catalog Instructions: Help using catalog:

Statewide or Shared Catalog:
The college's catalog is part of the larger Virginia Community College System (VCCS)

Policy Page Email Contact:

Database Access for Coop Librarians (library card etc.):   NOTE: These URLs, usernames, and/or passwords must not be shared with patrons
Coop Librarian Database Access is no longer functioning. We are working on a replacement access method but have no timeline for when it may be available.

IP Address Range:
All VCCS IP addresses start with 164.106.
If the patron's address starts with 164.106., they are on campus.


Hours (Time Zone EST):

Maps & Tours:

Off-campus Access:
The library subscribes to a number of databases that are for the use of current SWCC students, faculty, and staff only. When you are off-campus and click on a link to a restricted resource, you will be prompted to log in at a VCCS login page. Use the same username and password you use to access BlackBoard, SIS, or the student email system. Off-campus access will not work if you are behind a firewall or if your computer is not set to accept cookies.

Complete List of Databases:
A list of databases available at SWCC can be found at:

Other Databases:
The college is a member of the Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA) consortium that provides licensed databases:

The college is a member of the Virginia Community College System (VCCS) that provides licensed databases:

e-Serials Search: After searching for terms in the library's catalog, in the filters to the right, under Availability, click Full Text Online and under Resource Type click Articles:

Locate available journals by title:

After searching for terms in the library's catalog, in the filters to the right, under Availability, click Books and Media and click Full Text Online:

Additional e-Books may be available through individual databases here:

VCCS list of e-book providers:

Remote Access:
Remote Access:

Tech Assistance:
Get help:

Research Guides:
Research Guides:

Tutoring/Homework Assistance:
Tutoring/Student Services:

Library Card Policies: Specific instructions for obtaining a library card at your college can be found here:

Only currently enrolled students and currently employed faculty and staff can access their library record by signing into the library catalog using your same username and password.

Loan Periods/Returns:
Loan Periods/Returns:


Late Fees:
Late Fees:

Interlibrary Loan:
Interlibrary Loan:

Library Policies:
Library Services:

Other Policies:
Inclement weather policy:


  • Last Updated Feb 18, 2025
  • Views 208
  • Answered By Teresa Yearout

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