How long can I keep materials I checked out?


Our library system sends emails with due dates automatically, so you may consult those messages to see your loan periods. We have several types of materials and collections that we circulate, with varying loan periods. In general, materials check out for the following periods of time: • Books, including Fiction, Graphic Novels, and New/Popular: 28 days • DVDs: 1 week • Great Courses kits: 28 days • Reserve materials: 2 hours, in-library use only or Some reserve materials have special loan periods, such as 2 days, 1 week, or 1 semester. 

The library can often renew your materials if you need to keep them longer. Email to request renewals. 

  • Last Updated Apr 17, 2020
  • Views 287
  • Answered By Katelyn Burton

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